Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Suroy Suroy sa Sugbu : Tops

Of course, Cebu prides itself with its own version of Tagaytay --- Tops! Located approximately 2,000 feet above sea level, this attraction situated in Barangay Malubog is sure to attract families but mostly couples. While the view is breathtaking during the day, I believe that this is the view to be on Cebu on New Year's eve.

What attracts couples most is the arch that houses a small bell. It is said that when couples stand under the bell and ring it, their love will last for a lifetime. Personally, I have proven it to be untrue. But you be the judge!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Suroy Suroy sa Sugbu : Magellan's Cross

Right next to the Basilica is another landmark, perhaps, one of the more famous landmarks of Cebu. Magellan's Cross is housed in a chapel where the original cross is said to be encased in a wooden cross erected in a chapel. This is said to be the same cross that Ferdinand Magellan planted upon arriving in Cebu. The cross is said to have miraculous powers though some believe that the original cross was destroyed and that this is a mere replica.

I have included below shots of the Shrine plus shots of the courtyard of the Basilica, and the Basicila from across the street.
